0 4 min 1 yr

Shanghai men’s basketball: The team has officially signed foreign aid Noah Feng Lai and Yoji Ferrer

Live broadcast on August 16 news Shanghai long-time shark officially announced that the club has officially confirmed two foreign aid candidates for the 2023-2024 season, Noah-Feng Lai and Yoji-Ferrer. After submitting the registration materials to CBA company and passing the examination and publicity, the two of them will represent Shanghai’s long-time men’s basketball to fight for the CBA league in the new season. Noah von Lai, born in 1995, is 208cm tall and weighs 109kg. He is an American professional basketball player and a major forward. He played for the American League Celtics last season. In the 2021-2022 season, Feng Lai once played 23 regular season matches for big sharks, with an average appearance of 23.7 minutes and 15 points and 9 points. 9 rebounds 2.3 assists 2.0 steals 1.5 cap, field goal percentage 44.6%, three point hit rate 38%. The playoffs played 5 games, with an average of 21 minutes, with 11.6 points, 5.8 rebounds and 1.6 assists, field goal percentage and 47.8 percent, with a three-point hit rate of 41.7 percent. His outstanding performance helped my shark successfully reach the top four. On the offensive end, Feng Lai has a stable medium distance and internal terminal capability. On the defensive end, his 2-meter 24-meter long arm show can well guard the forbidden area. His ability of playing cards and rebounds under the basket is also very outstanding. It is an all-round space-type frontal line player. Yoji Ferrer, born in 1993, is 183cm tall and weighs 81kg. He is an American professional basketball player and a point guard. Ferrer graduated from Indiana University in the United States. He started the team in the freshman season. During the university, he received 14.5 points and 4.6 assists, with a three-point shot percentage of 39.9 percent. He was the champion of Indiana University for four consecutive seasons. In 2016, he entered the US league basketball as a drop draft, playing for Team basketable nets, Mavericks, Kings, Knights and Clippers successively, and was selected as the second team of the best rookie in the 2016-17 season. He played 259 games in the US league basketball, averaging 7.7 points 2.1 rebounds 2.3 assists, field goal percentage 42%, and hit 36.5% in three points. After leaving the American League, Ferrer successively moved to the Greek Basketball League and the Slovenian basketball league, and played well in the two leagues. In 2022, he led the team to win the Slovenian league championship, the Super Cup championship, and the league MVP; In 2023, he led the team to win the Slovenian league championship, the Super Cup championship, and crowned the league MVP and the Super Cup MVP. Ferrer is a very fast player, which makes him extremely powerful on the court. Moreover, he has a very good passing vision and can always send the ball to his vacant teammates in time. In addition, Ferrer’s defense is also very active. I believe his joining will bring great improvement to my shark at both ends of the attack and defense.

0 1 min 1 yr


在马刺宣布不与戈尔吉-吉昂续约后,吉昂的“圣城二进宫”画上了句号——今年1月,马刺为了腾空间裁掉了吉昂,两天后又和他签下一份10天合同。 在他的第二份10天合同到期之前,特雷-琼斯表示“不能想象没有吉昂的更衣室会变成什么样。” 马刺也觉得家有一老如有一宝,33岁的吉昂确实是马刺最老的球员,38%的命中率和场均4+4的数据不影响他的更衣室价值,于是他们和吉昂续约到赛季结束。 但现在,吉昂可能真要告别他打拼10年的NBA赛场了。 平心而论,吉昂在场上的故事乏善可陈,虽然有过20+20的光辉战绩,但更多时候,还是在乐福、唐斯、佩科维奇身边扮演着内线蓝领的角色。 吉昂巅峰期场均10+8的数据足够称职,稳定的攻防表现让森林狼在新秀合同结束后送上了4年6400万美元的肥约,创造了西非篮球运动员的纪录。但事难预料,签下大合同的吉昂迅速滑落至6分4板的水平,以至于被指责是“高薪低能的合同骗子”。 但是,与那些钱太多不知道怎么花、整天豪车嫩模大金链子大金表的球员们相比,吉昂把这些钱都花在了更崇高的事业上。 他不仅是西非历史上最成功的篮球选手,还是塞内加尔这个贫穷国度的启明星。 吉昂在1990年出生于塞内加尔一家老旧的医院,这里仿佛被时间遗忘了一般,大多数床位都没有床垫,病人们躺在弹簧上或是办公桌上,婴儿被放进保温箱里,用白炽灯泡取暖。 进入NBA之后,吉昂回到这里,还能看到一位孕妇躺在地板上,等另一位躺在桌子上的病人离开,等待着前途未卜的救治。 吉昂至今还记得这幅熟悉的触目惊心的画面:“我问医生他们还需要什么,让他写下需要的一切,我告诉他,我不能保证一定能带来什么,但我会尽我所能帮助你们。” 2014年,吉昂参加了森林狼球队基金会组织的筹款活动。与其他享用美食的队员不同,吉昂一直在“勾搭”明尼阿波利斯当地的企业和组织,为他的诺言寻找兑现机会。 幸运的是,在活动期间,吉昂与当地知名的慈善机构Matter建立了联系,和负责人马蒂一拍即合,马蒂负责医疗用品,吉昂通过人脉联系海关,让这批物资以最快速度抵达医院。 “吉昂想与他信任的人共同完成事业,他是一位伟大的年轻人,他想做一些事情来帮助家乡人民,而不只是为了自己的利益进入NBA。”马蒂说道。 半个月后,一整箱集装箱的物资就抵达了塞内加尔。但这还没完,就在同年,吉昂带领马蒂团队来到家乡,尽管见过了世界上各种贫困地区的医院,马蒂还是被眼前的景象震撼到:“这家医院的设备落后时代50年,而这片土地上还有好多家这样的医院。” 2016年,吉昂在塞内加尔建起了透析中心,到2017年,吉昂已经联手马蒂,在这片充满肾病患者的土地上(千分之一的人口需要透析治疗),搭建了700多张透析床位。塞内加尔时任总统也来到了剪彩现场,亲自感谢吉昂“为提高塞内加尔人民的医疗保健质量所做的工作。” 吉昂的慈善事业远未停止,除了医疗领域,吉昂还借鉴明尼苏达州的农业优势,把自家农场改造成了家乡农民的培训场。由慈善组织向当地农民传授耕种技术,还面向塞内加尔农科专业的大学生,提供实习岗位和研究机会,他甚至自掏腰包,创建基金会,为大学生们提供奖学金。 “非洲的农业规模很大,但人们不懂得用正确的方式耕种。我放弃自己私有的土地,好让人们学到正确的耕作方式。这样人们就不用跑到城市里赚钱,他们能留在家乡,发展这里的村庄和社区,避免这些村落变成空城,我想帮他们创造就业机会,让他们留在自己的家乡。” 思想境界高到这种程度,吉昂已经超出了篮球运动员的定义,升华到了“乡村振兴、产业兴国”的高度。他不像其他文体明星和慈善组织,只是来非洲走个过场、拍几张照片、发点物资,而是深挖这片土地的贫困根源,从看病吃饭这两个最基础的需求抓起,愈发深入地解决家乡的问题。 “虽然吉昂是塞内加尔最著名的NBA球员,但在2014年,他在塞内加尔并不出名,但现在,因为他所做的这一切,吉昂已经家喻户晓了。”马蒂说道。 如今,吉昂和多家机构合作,在塞内加尔同时推进50多个慈善项目。他继续保持着每年回访祖国的习惯,对他来说,这已经成为篮球之外最重要的事业。2022年,塞内加尔邀请吉昂担任国家旅游大使,以表达对他的尊重之情。 吉昂的同胞、尼克斯球探恩迪亚耶感慨道:“吉昂不想只当个篮球运动员,他正在成为塞内加尔的一个品牌,他做到了前无古人的地步,对他来说,这一切还远未止步。” 是的,吉昂对现状仍不满意,他打算在家乡开设一家大型现代化医院,还想推广农业帮扶计划,甚至不局限于塞内加尔,他志在整个非洲。 吉昂说:“如果你自己需要1块钱而上帝给了你10块钱,那么剩下的9块钱就是给别人的,你需要去帮助他人。” “能力越大,责任就越大。付出越多,回报就越多。” 受到吉昂的感召,马蒂和Matter团队也开始每年回访塞内加尔的援助项目:“他让人印象深刻,他热爱篮球,但在他看来,篮球只是帮助他人的工具,他心怀一颗真诚的帮助他人的心,我不知道这个动力来自哪里,但我真的很佩服他。” 你不得不承认,在这个愈发现实的世界,在NBA这个名利光影交错的漩涡里,还有戈尔吉-吉昂这种心怀赤子之心的高洁之士,甚至让专业从事慈善的马蒂都有了对动机的疑问。 他把自己的影响力发挥到极致,为塞内加尔带来了久旱甘霖和希望之种。他持之以恒地、从表到里地帮助家乡,隐约间有了“兼济天下”的理想主义风采。 吉昂资助的医院每年第一个新生儿都会被取名为戈尔吉(吉昂的名字) 对马蒂的疑问,吉昂是这么回答的:“老天给你良好的条件,是让你帮助他人。我坚信好人有好报。” “我在NBA打球,处境非常好,我不仅要让自己和家人生活好,也要去帮助别人。” “我不想在NBA打完球赚完钱就消失不见,不管我在哪里——美国、中国、塞内加尔——我都想对当地社区产生正面的影响。这就是我的行事风格和动机。” 或许,用这句名言来概括戈尔吉-吉昂,再适合不过了—— 一个高尚的人,一个纯粹的人,一个有道德的人,一个脱离了低级趣味的人,一个有益于人民的人。 欢迎大家来我们的微信公众号“后厂村体工队”看看,有更多NBA、CBA相关考古、评论和人物内容>> (文/潘志立)

0 1 min 1 yr

This… Pierce: It’s not okay for my daughter to date Ray Allen. If it’s my predecessor, I think it’s okay.

Live broadcast, July 24 news recently, Pierce talked about Pippen ex-wife in It Is What It Is. Related reading: Pippen ex-wife’s 49th birthday Jordan’s second son “disregards MJ’s opposition” to celebrate his birthday: my baby Host: Pippen ex-wife Larsa is 50 years old. She is not from this era. Pierce: It’s like my daughter has grown up. She went to date Ray Allen, which is not acceptable. Host: If your ex-wife or ex dated Ray Allen, what do you think? Pierce: I think it’s okay. I’m old. I won’t let this make me angry. Maybe I will be 20 years old, but now I won’t, and I won’t pay attention to it.


Top 24 of American media ranking in the new season: Tatum’s first KD Butler ranks second, third, old Zhan’s fifth

0 1 min 1 yr

Live broadcast bar, August 16 recently, US media HoopsHype ranked the top 24 of the small forward position in the new season. The ranking details are as follows: 1. Tatum 2. Durant 3. Butler 4. Leonard 5. James 6. George 7. Ingram 8. Mical bridges 9. Derazan 10. Middleton 11. Franz Wagner 12. Wikins 13. Scotty Barnes 14. Barrett 15. OG-anunobi 16. Little Michael-PROTONIC 17. Wassel 18. Jayden-McDaniels 19. Kelden Johnson 20. Boyang-bogdarovic 21. Masserin 22. Dillon Brooks 23. Trey Murphy 24. Bruce Brown Ranking of other positions before: American media platoon the new season 24 Oita OIT: Booker Jellen-Green 11 Clay 13 Reeves 14 HoopsHype24 Big control guard: Luka pressure Curry ranks first Harden 9 Owen 13 Wei Shao 20 Paul 22

0 1 min 1 yr

The basic salary of CBA domestic players in the new season is up to 6 million yuan. The overall performance salary is up to 20 million

Live broadcast on July 25, CBA officially announced the 2023-2024 CBA league player draft, salary cap, employment and transaction management regulations. Article 74 stipulates that the maximum basic salary of domestic players is 6 million yuan, and the overall performance salary is the highest in the 13-20th place, the highest in the 3-12th place, the highest in the 5 million th place, the highest in the second place, the highest in the 10 million th place, and the highest in the first place is 20 million. The overall salary cap of foreign aid shall not exceed 4.25 million dollars. Domestic players and foreign aid who exceed or exceed the salary cap must pay mediation fees to the alliance.

0 1 min 1 yr

Former Zhejiang Center Zhang DAYU FOOD signed a contract with Sichuan men’s basketball. If there is no accident, the new season will play for the latter.

News source, Sichuan team has reached a signing agreement with former Zhejiang men’s basketball center Zhang Yu. If there is no accident, he will play for Sichuan team in the new season. Zhang DAYU FOOD, who was born in 1991, has played for Zhejiang team for 17 seasons before. He has a good height and defense. I believe Zhang DAYU FOOD’s joining will bring some improvement to the inner line of Sichuan team. In addition, the Sichuan team has announced the renewal of the regular contract with Su Ruoyu for three years.

0 2 min 1 yr

Houchang Village Sports Team: Chen Guohao & Zhang Ning is the team leader Zhu Mingzhen is the system operation barometer

Live broadcast bar on August 4, China defeated Japan 84-62 in the 9-12 qualifying matches of the xinjindu Universiade men’s basketball. The sports team of Houchang Village commented after the game: “In fact, some summaries of the game after watching: “1. Chen Guohao and Zhang Ning are the leading fathers. Don’t doubt this. “2. Although zouyang’s sense of presence on the offensive end is insufficient, the defensive end still has inexplicable take-off, but as a front line, his rebound protection is very stable. “3. As long as the tactics are reasonable, the value of Zhu Mingzhen will be significantly improved. He is a barometer of the operation of the men’s basketball system. “4. Li Yiyang’s personal attack is still not good, but the organization is still relatively clear. 5. Wang Lanqi…… To be honest, it is still not clear to play. It is not very good to stick the ball and attack. The only bright four front-court rebounds are not good data for him-it requires good judgment to rush for the front-court rebounds. If you can’t get it, it is easy to be attacked by the other side, in the first half, he was attacked by Japan many times (fortunately, the shooting rate of the other side was average). “6. HONG XIN’s 15 points are very good, and the fire power of filling in the rotation lineup is very good. Yang Xihao and Xie Zhijie are just right. “7. Li Yuanxin…… Why didn’t you do it?”

0 1 min 1 yr

Still need to run in! China men’s basketball the whole team made 9 mistakes in the first half Italy men’s basketball the whole team made 4 mistakes

Live Bar News on August 6th Italy Trentino Cup championship, China men’s basketball half 31-42 behind Italy men’s basketball. In this campaign, the Chinese team made 9 mistakes in the first half of men’s basketball, including Zhang Zhenlin 3 times, Cui Yongxi 2 times, Zhou Qi, Zhao Jiwei, Fang Shuo and Zhao Rui 1 time each. The Italian men’s basketball team made four mistakes in total.

0 2 min 1 yr

Curry: some people will say that there are 7 of us who believe that they can start, and someone must make sacrifices.

Live broadcast, July 25 -today, Curry was interviewed. When Paul seemed to be not interested in playing substitute, Curry expressed his opinion in a timely manner. Curry said: “All this should be started from you as a player. We always say that a great team needs a lot of talents, and you must not lose yourself, you should put all your demands and personalities on the table, but you must also know when to sacrifice for the promotion of the team. This is a big problem for us.” “We know that you may say that seven people think they should start, and seven people think they should play the final stage. This is an inequality, and two people have to be excluded. Even like Moody’s and cuminga, they hope to have a greater impact on the team. We must put all this aside and say, we just want to win. No matter what it looks like, it must be in the best interests of the team. After our experience, this will be revealed and it will be interesting to find out the right combination.” Curry continued.

0 1 min 1 yr

Sincere blessing! Happy 58th birthday to Admiral David Robinson!

Live broadcast on August 6th today is David Robinson’s 58th birthday. Let’s wish him a happy birthday together. At the draft conference in 1987, David Robinson was selected by Spurs, who was the champion in his hand. In his 14-year career, he won two NBA championships (99, 03), 1 MVP, 1 DPOY, 1 scoring king, 10 All-Star, 10 best lineup (4 times a while), 8 best defensive lineup (4 times a defense), the United States won two Olympic gold medals men’s basketball. He was elected to the Hall of Fame in 2009. David Robinson played 987 regular season games throughout his NBA career, averaging 21.1 points, 10.6 boards and 2.5 assists 1.7 cap. Happy birthday to basketball players

0 1 min 1 yr

Bobo: Ginobili is the strangest person I have ever met who has never gone to college & read books about black holes

Live broadcast bar, August 12th recently, the Spurs coach who was selected into the Hall of Fame was interviewed by reporters Popovich baby. Speaking of former love general Ginobili, Bobo said, “he is the strangest person I have ever met in my life. He didn’t go to college, but he would read some books about space black holes, and he would ask me some questions about different books, which made me very happy. This is the most interesting part.”

0 2 min 1 yr

Dirk: my skill package is very suitable for the old Nelson system, but he always said that my defensive talent is zero.

Live broadcast bar, August 13 -the ND Naismith Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame Awards ceremony was held today, and Nowitzki gave a speech. At the beginning of the speech, Dirk first mentioned old Nelson. He said, “from the perspective of creativity, I think of Don Nelson. Unfortunately, he is not here tonight. He has always looked at the game in different ways. When I entered the league, there were not many coaches who allowed a 7-foot-tall person to vote three points, but my skill set was very suitable for his system, I can’t thank him enough. He was also very creative on the present. The things he came up with, his lectures-almost the same as Bobo, those are not suitable for children, so I won’t say them. He always said that my talent in defense was zero, and he always let me know this.” Since the 1997-98 season, senior Nelson has been coaching for 8 consecutive seasons in Lone Ranger (Mavericks). ********************** 2023na-Smith Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame
