0 1 min 2 yrs

Whitmore updated Ins to set the positioning to its own draft ranking “20”

Live broadcast, July 23 news Whitmore updated Instagram today, showing his own Xia Lian performance clip and setting the Post’s positioning to 20 “. At this year’s draft conference, Whit Moore, who was originally in the top five or even the top three, declined all the way, and was not taken away by the rockets until the 20th ranking; In the previous summer league, whitmore averaged 19.3 points, 5.2 rebounds, 2.0 assists, 2.5 steals, was selected as the best team of summer league and successfully won the MVP of summer league.

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The annual salary of the North American sports session is TOP50NBA, with 32 exclusive players and 76 players earning 20 million in the next quarter.

Live broadcast, July 26 according to the famous Shams report, Celtics star Jay Brown renewed Celtics in advance for five years and 0.304 billion years, which is the biggest contract in history. According to statistics Spotrac, NBA now accounts for 32 of the 50 largest contracts calculated by annual salary in North American sports, and 76 players will earn at least 20 million dollars next season.

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Zhuo Zhi shows personal beauty photos:It matches today’s sunset glow inexplicably

Live broadcast bar, August 9th today, Guangdong Women’s Basketball Player Zhuo Zhi Updated the social media to show his own beautiful photos. Zhuo Zhi wrote in the essay:It matches today’s sunset glow inexplicably#lifestylevision” Zhuo Zhi was born in 2003 and is 190cm tall. She joined Guangdong Women’s basketball in the 2022-23 season. She had previously won the WCBA championship with Inner Mongolia Women’s basketball.


Tatum Sun father and son kick-off photo: Deuce and big Deuce

0 1 min 2 yrs

Live Bar, August 3rd news Tatum, who was born in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, took his son to MLB (professional club) to watch the St. Louis Cardinals at home today and was invited to kick off for him. After the game, Tatum also showed photos of himself and his son Deuce on the court, and said that they were: “Deuce and big Deuce”

0 1 min 2 yrs

时代的红利!NBA的蛋糕越来越大 二当家布朗也能签历史最大合同

杰伦-布朗和凯尔特人达成了五年3.04亿美元提前续约合同,作为球队的二当家,布朗拿到了刷新历史纪录的最大合同! 我们也都清楚,布朗并非NBA实力最强的球员,能签历史最大合同完全是因时代红利——即NBA的工资帽越高,球员未来的合同也就越大。 在NBA联盟,顶薪是一名球员签新合同时第一年的最高薪金,根据在联盟的效力年限分为三档:≤6年,顶薪为工资帽的25%;7-9年,顶薪为工资帽的30%;≥10年,顶薪为工资帽的35%。 工资帽的概念在1984-85赛季被引入联盟,1997-98赛季工资帽为2690万美元,2010-11赛季为5800万美元,时至今日新赛季的工资帽已经达到了1.36亿美元,球员的收入也因工资帽的增加水涨船高。 工资帽新赛季的具体数额和上赛季的总收入密切相关,最明显的案例为2015-16赛季工资帽为7000万美元,2016-17赛季工资帽暴涨至9414万美元——NBA9年240亿美元的转播合同开始生效,联盟收入大涨,工资帽也猛增。 2016年夏天,莫兹戈夫4年6400万、罗尔-邓4年7200万、康利5年1.53亿等等,许多人都吃到了NBA经济发展的时代红利。 即NBA的总收入越高,工资帽就越高,球员合同第一年的顶薪也就能拿得越多。因此,真正决定布朗拿历史最大合同的幕后推手实则是NBA这块大蛋糕,蛋糕越来越大,球员自然也就赚得越来越多。 布朗身为2016年探花郎,目前在联盟效力了7个赛季,新签的提前续约合同要在2024-25赛季生效,布朗历史最大合同执行前在联盟效力8个赛季,理论上在联盟效力7-9年的球员顶薪为工资帽的30%。 布朗的情况有所不同,他凭借本季入选最佳阵容二阵触发了指定老将续约条款,续约时可以和母队续签一份总长度为6年(现合同剩余年限+新合同年限)、起薪为工资帽35%的顶薪合同。 布朗原合同还剩1年2851万美元,新签5年3.04亿美元,整个合同实际为6年3.32亿美元! 绿军管理层在布朗续约问题上其实没得选,一方面球队成绩有目共睹,2020年东决2-4不敌热火、21年首轮1-4负于篮网、22年总决赛负于勇士、今年东决抢七不敌热火,近四年有3年杀入分区决赛,球队处于上升期也具备争冠实力;另一方面,布朗是绿军2016年亲手选中并培养了7年之久的探花郎,已经成长为最佳二阵+全明星替补锋线,26岁275天正值当打之年,能持球能打无球,比赛风格和塔图姆适配,并且各方面都还有提升空间,历史最大合同虽然暂时溢价,但绿军显然无法主动自毁长城。 布朗的合同虽然大,但他和塔图姆未来两人薪资至多只占工资帽的70%,相较于太阳老板凭亿近人,绿军花这点钱实属小巫见大巫。 洛杉矶双雄都是双子星(詹眉/卡乔两份大合同)+角色拼图的争冠模式,绿军以双探花为建队核心也符合当前的潮流,没有第二球星显然无法匹配那些顶级的争冠球队,NBA的竞争环境和工资帽情况决定了绿军用历史最大合同提前续约杰伦-布朗也是出于内因和外因双重作用下的必然行为。 无论布朗的合同再大,至多只占工资帽的35%,这是绿军管理层做决策的前提。 布朗虽然是一个二当家,但在小球时代,绝对是自由市场上难以找到同等替代者的顶级资源。 布朗身高198公分、体重101公斤、臂展2米13,身体素质劲爆、打法强硬、身材模型优秀,具备1-4号位出众的换防能力,近四个赛季都场均至少送出1.1次抢断,他在绿军换防链条里扮演了重要一环。 布朗攻防兼备,上季的进攻表现也可圈可点。他场均贡献26.6分3.5助攻,其中篮下命中率高达73.7%,场均11.7分来自于禁区得分,冲击力迅猛;3-10英尺命中率为47.5%、10-16英尺为54.2%、16英尺外长两分为41.2%、三分球命中率为33.5%(2.4/7.3),中远距离投射能力进步明显,无论持球中距离面筐或背身一打一惩罚错位还是接球定点终结都有了明星范。 塔图姆场均30.1分联盟第6,布朗场均26.6分联盟第9,作为绿军第二好的进攻球员,他的身高臂展、冲击活力、持球和无球进攻双重属性都是他的优点。 最重要的是布朗能和塔图姆兼容,一支球队有两位联盟前十的得分手,这也是绿军以二人为建队核心的底气所在。 布朗也有明显的缺点,这些短板意味着他还有进步空间。 他目前面对高强度防守表现还不够稳定,今年季后赛首轮对老鹰场均26.7分、次轮对76人场均22.9分、东决对热火场均跌至19.0分,尤其东决系列赛场均三分球命中率仅有16.3%,东决前三场三分球分别6中1、7中1、7中0,G7生死战三分球9中1,身为二当家,这样的表现显然不够好。 布朗的持球失误也是生涯至今困扰他的难点,今年常规赛他场均3.5次助攻2.9次失误,今年季后赛场均3.4次助攻3.3次失误,处理球效率不高,持球扎进人堆容易失误丢球,还不是合格的组织前锋。 布朗三年级出战74场其中只有25场首发,四年级才真正坐稳首发位置,他和乔治一样生涯早期都是凭借3D角色安身立命,不断开发持球能力才一路走到了今天。 布朗已经连续四个赛季场均得分20+,虽然优缺点明显,如果他能在日后达到选秀模板杰森-理查德森/吉米-巴特勒的巅峰水准,随着个人实力的提升帮助球队成绩有所突破,绿军这份历史最大合同也就更加有意义。 绿军其实也在赌布朗的进步前景,毕竟他的攻、防、传、控等多方面细节都有打磨和提升空间,而这份历史最大合同也会随着时代发展像康利2016年签下了的5年1.53亿合同一样被人渐渐遗忘。 用占工资帽35%的顶薪留住一位26岁还有潜力可挖的攻防兼备最佳二阵兼联盟前10得分手的全明星锋线,保证一支四年三进分区决赛球队的竞争力,细细想来,这波操作其实合情合理! 司机专栏 高冷大叔眼中的NBA

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Jay Green was photographed visiting a 38-year-old actress who had a 21-year-old son.

Live Bar, August 6th news recently, some media took a photo of 21-year-old Jay Green and 38-year-old actress Draya Michele going out together. Draya Michele is a movie actor who once participated in the movies “Will to Love” and “Beautiful Day”. She is also a model, tall and stylish, with 9.51 million fans Instagram. In addition, the 38-year-old Draya Michele has two children. The eldest son and Jay Green are both 21 years old at the same age, while the youngest son is 7 years old, born by Draya and former NFL cornerback Scandrick.

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Cole: I asked Corning Ham of the sparring team to imitate Dong Qiqi in the training.

Live broadcast, August 5th news today’s US World Cup training camp, the US team lost to the sparring team for two consecutive games. After the game, American coach Cole talked about the excellent sparring team player Corning ham. He said that he asked Mosley, the head coach of the sparring team, to assign some high-level blocking and dismantling tactics to Corning ham, so that he could imitate Dong Qiqi.

0 1 min 2 yrs

How do I support Benxi? Bridge: Let him dare to make mistakes, no matter how many shots are lost, just continue to vote.

Live broadcast, July 25-recently, basketable Nets player bridges participated in George’s podcast and talked about teammate Ben Simmons. Speaking of how to provide support for Simmons, Bridge said: “It’s just around him all the time. Even if he struggles, he must always support it.” “No matter where we are, we will go out and have dinner together to prepare for the next game. This is the most important thing. Let him have enough confidence to fail and know that we always support him. You can’t let him bear this kind of pressure, ‘if you don’t play well, these guys will not like me’. I won’t do this, I will always support him. Five medium distances were cast in a row, and all five were iron. It doesn’t matter. Continue to shoot the sixth.”

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Official Xuan: Magic coach Mosley will be the head coach of the men’s basketball World Cup selection team in 2023.

Live broadcast on July 25, Magic officially announced that Team coach Jamal Mosley was appointed as the head coach of the 2023 US Men’s Basketball World Cup selection team. The members of this selection team include Thunder’s Holmgren, Jay Williams, Rocket’s Jay Green, King’s Kegan Murray, Celtics’s Pritchard, Knicks’s gramms, trey Murphy of Pelican, Natz Reed of Forest Wolf. The US team will hold the World Cup training camp in Las Vegas on August 3, when the selection team will follow the members of the 12th National People’s list of the World Cup for training.

0 2 min 2 yrs

Rocket assistant: Whitmore’s talent is dazzling. He has great potential in all aspects.

Live broadcast, July 26 -rocket Assistant Professor Sullivan talked about our team’s rookie Whitmore in an interview with The Athletic this week. The manager of The Rocket Summer League praised Whitmore for his talent. “Obviously, Whitmore’s inherent talent is very dazzling, isn’t it? His physical talent, speed, athletic ability and explosive power are all like this. He can end in the basket, cut empty, score, hit three points and the middle pitch, and hit the basket. He has shown many different things. I really, really like all this.” Sullivan said. “Besides, Whitmore is really too young, almost only 19 years old. This also means that he must continue to grow in all aspects of the game, such as his defense and attack, his understanding of the game concept, and what we need to carry out as a team, space, position, etc. in the competition.” Sullivan continued. “For any young player who has just landed in the league, their mission objectives will only increase. Therefore, in a separate aspect, it is hard for you to say where you want to see Whitmore grow, because he has considerable growth space and potential in all aspects.” Sullivan continued.

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Derazan: I can learn from young players who have promoted my game to another level.

Live broadcast, July 26 news recently, Bull player DeRozan talked about his game in the “Iman Amongst Men” podcasting program. Drozan said: “It is to continue to improve myself. I like to be with young players. Young players can make you clear-headed and they can make you generate new ideas. “I can even learn something from them. Young people can take you to another level. When you always train with old players, your methods are old, young people can bring you different tests.”

0 2 min 2 yrs

The final loss still pushes Shandong to win the championship Zhejiang Chouzhou gold rent official congratulations Zhejiang U17 Women’s basketball

Live broadcast bar, August 3rd news the U17 Women’s Basketball National Finals ended yesterday. Shandong finally won 33 points from 96 to 63 in Zhejiang. According to the total ranking evaluation rules, the comprehensive competition results, quality and technology reached the standard score, technical evaluation score, Zhejiang U17 won the championship, Shandong U17 won the second place, Hunan team won the third place. After the game, Zhejiang Chouzhou basketball club congratulated Zhejiang U17 on winning the championship women’s basketball. Guan Bo wrote: “The final of the 2023 national U17 youth basketball league ended perfectly in Dandong, Liaoning, zhejiang Chouzhou Bank Women’s Basketball Youth team won Chongqing at 95:77, Shandong Expressway at 85:75 and Sichuan at 99:75 in the single-cycle group match, ranking first in the group, beat Zibo in Shandong 109:44 in the elimination match of 16 to 8 in the cross, Shaanxi team 98:64 in the match of 8 to 4, Guangdong Youth by 79:71 in the semi-final, although Shandong team lost 63:96 in the finals, Zhejiang Chouzhou Bank Women’s Basketball Youth team finally won the first place in the 2023 national U17 youth basketball league! In this competition, the women’s basketball youth team of Zhejiang Chouzhou Bank carried forward the tenacious style of daring to fight and the spirit of never giving up and fighting every ball. At the same time, the women’s basketball youth team of Zhejiang Chouzhou Bank won the first place in this physical quality test and technical test evaluation, and three team members entered the top 16 in personal quality test and technical test evaluation, chen Wei won the first place in physical quality test and technical evaluation.”

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Xiang PROTONIC: Owen’s backboard was incomplete in his childhood, so he developed a strange layup technique.

Live Bar, August 5th news recently, former NBA player Xiang PROTONIC participated in The All The Smoke program and talked about Owen. He said: “Owen said that the rebound he played when he was a child was incomplete. Therefore, this is the reason why he learned those weird layup angles, because his rebound is incomplete. So Owen learned this technique, letting the ball hit the left rebound and then go to the right.”
