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Media forecast men’s basketball final list: four defenders & Hu Mingxuan selected to pay Haojin to the big list

Live Bar, August 14-China reversed the 69-68 victory over New Zealand Super Cup men’s basketball German Basketball Men’s Basketball ended last night. Today, media man Wu Jifa Bo predicted the final list of China’s men’s basketball: “After finishing the German Cup, predict the list of 12 people in men’s basketball: “Defender: Zhao Jiwei, Hu Mingxuan, Zhao Rui, Fang Shuo “Front line: Li Kele, Zhou Peng, Zhang Zhenlin, Cui Yongxi, Fu Hao Inside: Zhou Qi, Wang Zhilin, Hu Jinqiu “Now it is basically Hu Mingxuan, Sun Minghui and Zhu Junlong. Considering that when the ball is not running smoothly, Joe Shuai still needs two defenders, so the defenders should take four. Hu Mingxuan used to play the Olympic Games unsuccessful race before, but there are still some expectations. Fu Hao should squeeze into the big list with his own efforts, which is worthy of applause.”

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Philippine general manager: Soto’s fight cannot be advanced before he proves his health.

Live broadcast on August 13 according to previous reports, Philippine player Soto participated in the training of Philippine men’s basketball, but still needs further inspection. According to reporter Homer Sayson, Butch, general manager of Philippine men’s basketball, revealed on Antonio that the two sides were close to reaching an agreement. However, until Soto provides MRI results or the medical team proves that it is 100% healthy, Soto’s fight for the Philippines cannot be advanced. Soto failed in the NBA draft last year. He played for 36 people in Adelaide last season and scored 6.8 points and 4.5 rebounds in 12.9 minutes.


Serbia announced the list of 14 people in the World Cup men’s basketball: Bogdan & jovich

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Live broadcast on August 8th, Serbia reduced the World Cup list to 14 on men’s basketball, led by Bogdan Bogdanovic. The following is a specific list of 14 people: Stefan-jovich, Aleksa-Avramovich, Bogdan-Bogdanovic, neimania-negna Davidovich, Marco-Guduric, Wanja-malakovic, Aleksey-Rada Nov, ogene-Dobrik, Dejan-davidovac, Philip-Petrusev, Nikolai-jovich, tussan-ristech, Nikolai-Milutinov, Borisa-simanic. The 2023 men’s basketball World Cup will be kicked off at the end of this month, with Serbia in the same group as China, South Sudan and Puerto Rico. Special topics for reporting the men’s basketball World Cup in 2023

0 2 min 2 yrs

Harrington: d’Antony never trained defense when he took the Knicks

Live Bar, August 8th recently, former NBA player Ale-Harrington participated in the Bootleg Kev podcast, talking about coach d’Antony who played for the Knicks. He said: “I just think if we tried to defend, we could have become a better team. We have never actually done anything for defense, nothing. I have never practiced rotation and transposition, and there is nothing. If we can’t defend, how do you expect us to win? One day, Larry Hughes and I went to him before training, and we said, ‘Coach, we know that defense is not a priority, but we are all willing to start training three or ten minutes in advance (additional defense). ‘” “We fucking want to win, brother. He was very angry and said, ‘do you think this is because of defense? Do you think defense is a problem? “We said,” Yes, we can’t defend anyone. We didn’t know how to rotate and change positions. We didn’t communicate on the defensive side. Yes. ‘”

0 1 min 2 yrs

The rhythm is completely on the opponent’s side! Germany 25 assists 12 mistakes China 12 assists 19 mistakes

Live Bar, August 13 -warm-up match between China and Germany, China 58-107 is not hostile. In the whole game, the Chinese team sent a total of 12 assists and 19 mistakes. The German team sent 25 assists and only made 12 mistakes.

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How many lives can you earn so much?Mbampe received a $0.776 billion annual salary quote higher than the total annual salary of the top 17 in the NBA new season.

The Saudi New Moon in Riyadh offered an annual salary of 0.7 billion euros (US $0.776 billion) to mbap, which is higher than the sum of the top 17 annual salary in NBA in the new season! NBA New Season Top 17 salary

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清远篮协会长:黎伊扬家里不富裕 但支持他打球 邹阳是大心脏球员

  图转自羊城晚报,受访者提供 广东省男篮联赛迄今已举办了九届。9年里,这个业余球员的赛事平台给CBA“贡献”了欧俊炫、陈国豪两名选秀状元及十余名球员。其中,清远队走出了黎伊扬、庄战和邹阳三位CBA球员,成为广东省男篮联赛平台中“贡献”人数最多的球队。为此,清远市篮协会长罗镜雄在接受羊城晚报记者专访时透露,“我们有自己的‘造星’的计划,以保证清远队能够尽可能本土化,主打‘青春风暴’”。 入队 九人教委会说了算 与某些队伍不同,清远队从来不会临时拼凑一支队伍去“对付”省联赛,也不会每年都寄望于靠几名交流球员来支撑全队的实力,自2016年加入省联赛以来,清远队就一直踏踏实实做好自身的青少年培养、选才工作。 “我们(参加省联赛)队伍的选拔计划,是从上一个年度就开始的,也就是说,我们会跨年度地做好球员组成的选拔工作”,罗镜雄认为这样可以使整支队伍更有延续性,也能够更好地发现阵容上的问题并加以解决。 “像今年的省联赛,常规赛才打了五六轮,我们就已经发现阵容中的4、5号位实力及深度都不够,为了明年补强这两个位置,选才工作事实上现在就已经启动了”,罗镜雄透露,清远队的选拔入队要经过严格的程序——首先必须参加本地青少年的赛事,并在这些赛事中脱颖而出;这些相对的尖子,还需要由各级教练组成的9人教练委员会投票,经他们推荐的才能正式入队。每年的16人名单都是经过严格筛选的。 “有时候,有些朋友会找我,看看能不能让他的孩子入队。我说,我一票都没有,实在是没法帮忙。要进清远队不可能走后门,我也说了不算,这就堵住了一些不正之风,让有实力的青少年球员能够通过公正而清晰的渠道加入队伍”。 共建 主打青春风暴 “我们建队的思路一直都是很清晰的,那就是打好基础,着眼本土,挖掘青少年球员”,罗镜雄认为,一支队伍如果要有健康的发展,必须有自己的雄厚根基,靠买卖球员、临时挖人是走不远的。 清远队与深圳第二实验中学结对共建,有好的苗子先送到深圳二实,深圳二实有拔尖的球员亦优先推荐加入清远队。“最明显的例子就是黎伊扬。出生于清远的他很小的时候就显现出篮球方面的天赋,他家里虽不富裕,但也全力支持他打球。我们发现他后,让他参加市里组织的中学生比赛,包括U14、U16比赛,推荐他进深圳二实。他就是这样一步步打出来的”。 正在举行的成都大运会中,中国男篮就有三名球员效力过清远队——黎伊扬、邹阳和刘庆闻,而他们同样也是从深圳二实走出来的。每年做省联赛计划的时候,清远篮协就会针对赛季队伍的短板做好补充人员的准备,并将这个信息与深圳二实共享,在接下来的时间重点考察培养所需位置的球员。 由于依靠本土球员,又有深圳二实作为青少年共建培养的基地,主打“青春风暴”的清远队每年的队伍基本都相对较为稳定,实力稳中有升,这也使他们的成绩能够踏踏实实一步一个台阶。从2016年参加省联赛开始,清远队基本每年成绩都往上走,2020年取得季军,2021年夺得亚军。 球星 树立榜样作用 在广东省男篮联赛,每支队伍几乎都有自己的球王、球星,但像清远队这样拥有几位走上CBA职业赛场的球星的并不多。罗镜雄认为,一支拥有自己球星的队伍,他们的球市才会旺,有了榜样,青少年培训也会做得更好。 黎伊扬早在深圳二实打比赛期间,清远篮协就早早把他作为球星来培养,他在省联赛的首战,就砍下38分的惊人数据,这个个人最高得分至今在清远队仍然无人能破。黎伊扬亦因此被媒体称为“最强高中生”。高中毕业后,黎伊扬在厦门大学度过了四年的时光。在CUBA赛场,黎伊扬同样异常活跃。2021赛季的CUBA联赛,他场均贡献14.4分9.4次助攻和2.6次抢断,帮助球队获得全国季军。 “邹阳从(深圳)二实到清远队打球时,我们就发现,他是大心脏球员,最关键的球必须由他来完成。所以围绕着邹阳制定了很多战术,给他很大的发展空间。每一位队员的特点必须要鲜明。如果他能够突破,为什么不给他突破呢?他得分能力那么强,你为什么不给他得分?这点是很重要的,一定要发挥他的长处特点,才能给球队带来胜利”。 庄战在CBA福建队打了一段时间就回到清远队,罗镜雄说并不是他打得不好,而是当时福建队相同的位置有重合,出场时间太少。“他在省联赛是非常优秀的,是一位很难防的球员”。 罗镜雄说,是金子总会发光。“像黎伊扬、邹阳他们,在我们队通过省联赛这个平台,走向更大的CUBAL,甚至CBA舞台,这其实是对清远篮球的肯定。他们打了CUBAL,有的人还是回来帮我们打省联赛,这就是情怀。无论他们走向的平台有多高,清远永远是他们的家”。 (文/羊城晚报记者 周方平 实习生 谭琦)

0 1 min 2 yrs

Yunnan glider will return to the team! North control official: wear strange ground gas

Live broadcast bar, August 7th today, the media of Beijing control update released the video of this year’s rookie “Yunnan glider” returning to Hong. The official essay of Beijing Control wrote: “talent show players are going to go back to Hong! It fits me well, and it is also strange to be grounded.” Yu Jinhong was born on September 13, 1993. He is 178cm tall and weighs 82kg. In 2020, the folk deduction will be more popular to participate in the CBA All-Star dunk contest and won the championship of the dunk contest.

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The pre-season schedule of the sun is released: the first battle led by Monti on October 9th, the piston on October 20th, the Lakers

Live broadcast bar, August 15 -sun official today announced the pre-season schedule for the 2023-24 season. In the first world, they will challenge the piston led by former coach Monty Williams, and the Lakers in the last world. The specific schedule is as follows (all of them are in front of the home court at Beijing time): October 9: 00 Sun vs piston October 11: 00 Nuggets vs sun October 13:00 Sun vs trailblazers October 17 10:00 trailblazers vs sun October 20: 00 Sun vs Lakers

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Has the number of free throws exceeded Jordan? Harden once said in 19: Don’t foul me. It’s very simple

According to the statistics of American media Clutch Points, the number of free throws in Harden’s career has surpassed Jordan, but Jordan scored 7599 Points less. On January 3, 2019, Ros Gold-Onwude, a retired WNBA player and journalist, once asked Harden: how to view people’s complaints about his excessive free throws? Harden replied seriously, “Don’t foul, that’s all.”

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Cole talks about the US team starting: We have 10 sets starting now everything is not decided yet

Live broadcast, August 5th news today’s US World Cup training camp, the US team lost to the sparring team for two consecutive games. According to TA reporter Joe Vardon, the United States started today as: Brunson, bridges, Ingram, Cameron-Johnson, Jaren-Jackson. Speaking of the starting lineup, US coach Cole refused to disclose. He said: “We have no intention, for example, ‘this will be our starting lineup. We have about 10 sets of starting lineup. What I can tell you is that actually there is no arrangement yet.”

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Do you care that you are not the top leader? Dong Qiqi: not at all. I have reached the best destination.

Live broadcast, August 7 news recently, Dong Qiqi participated in JJ-Reddick’s podcasting program TheOldMan & TheThree. Reddick: “Looking back on your draft, it was shocking that you were not the top winner. Do you care where to go?” Dong Qiqi: “Not at all. I didn’t know which city was good or bad at that time. I am just very happy to be selected by NBA, which means everything. I think I have reached the best destination I may have reached. It is incredible to have a mentor like Dirk.” In the 2018 draft conference, Ayton was elected as the No. 1 winner, Bagley was the top, East cheqi was exploring flowers, then exchanged his boss with No. 5 Trey-Yang and came to Dallas.
