0 1 min 2 yrs

Little Thomas: bankelo doesn’t know how good he is. He is like a sponge absorbing knowledge constantly.

Live broadcast, August 15 news recently, little Thomas was interviewed by reporters. In the interview, he talked about magic striker bankelo. Little Thomas said, “bankelo is a sensible man. He doesn’t know how good he is yet. He is like a sponge, absorbing knowledge constantly. It’s really great to see him talented and then there is a team with a good atmosphere.”

0 8 min 2 yrs

76 people give up trading Harden Harden wants to meet the biggest obstacle in his career

Harden dealing cases, which has been circulated for a long time, finally has preliminary results today. But don’t get me wrong, it’s not Harden who was sold smoothly and happily joined the Clippers, but 76 people gave up trading Harden. That is to say, no team can meet the requirements of 76 people for such a long time, so they want to force Harden to stay, even if Harden is unwilling. Harden and 76 people, one wants to go and the other wants to stay, and both sides are stuck like this. Harden recently opened a trip to China, and 76 people released this news at this time, which undoubtedly made some bosses on the other side of the ocean unhappy. It is said that Harden is still expecting the 76ers and Clippers to make a creative deal. He doesn’t even want to continue to play in 76ers in the training camp in the new season. In a word, it is a fact that Harden wants to go, but he may not get what he wants. 76 people gave up trading Harden. It was said that the price of 76 people was too high and no team could satisfy it. 76 people may have such a mind that they are unwilling to trade Harden from the beginning, and the so-called asking price is too high just a representation. The Clippers knew the thoughts of 76 people deeply, so they were so excited that they refused to comply with the asking price of 76 people. However, because other teams understand that Harden only wants to go to the Clippers, they don’t want to really quote, and they are even more vain. 76 people found that after a round, their asking price was still asking, so they didn’t want to pester it any more. Why can’t Harden leave? It is the main reason that no team is willing to trade him. His trading market may not be as competitive as he thought. Harden has gone downhill now. His scoring function has dropped sharply, leaving only the skill of passing the ball. But the league teams are not willing to treat Harden as a pure guard. In addition, Harden dropped the chain at every critical moment in the playoffs, and he would drag down the rhythm of the game. The Clippers are already powerful. Although he is not a pure point guard, the Clippers are not interested in accommodating another former star guard. Harden and Clippers are also hot for shaving and picking, and they have not reached the point where both sides are very interested in cooperation. Now Harden and 76 people are so frozen here. 76 people did not encounter the trading plan that they could like, and they were not willing to instigate the trade easily. They also expected Harden to participate in the team’s training camp and seek to find out how to use Harden’s set of plans in the new season; harden tried his best to go, believing that the negotiation would have a turn before the training camp, and there was no plan to fight for 76 people in the new season. What will happen if Harden and 76 people stay deadlocked like this? Harden will report to 76 people after all, but the competition in the new season cannot be guaranteed. Neither attendance nor the quality of the competition can be guaranteed. Finally, the two sides of the host and the host broke up. What Harden is upset now must be that he has executed the player option, which makes him in a dilemma. There were rumors that even 76 senior executives were very surprised by Harden’s decision. Harden’s player option is not to abandon the high salary of 35.6 million in the last year. Sources claimed that Harden’s dissatisfaction with 76 people was that 76 senior executives refused to give Harden a top salary appointment. He wanted to keep the last year’s high salary while completing the transfer. Therefore, it is understandable that Harden will execute player options, but in this way, he will not be able to join the Clippers in the form of free players. Why does Harden have to go to the Clippers? In addition to the Clippers with the Kacho team to guarantee the championship, Los Angeles is Harden’s hometown, and he wants to go home to play basketball. However, there are two paradoxes: One is that the Kacho team may continue to miss the match, and it is uncertain when to play. Since the cooperation in 2019, the Kacho team has only reached the end of the playoffs in the first year. Other times, they have been injured. Before the end of the playoffs, they have hung up the war-free card. In the case of the Western nuggets, the Lakers, the Sun and the Warriors, why did Harden believe that the Clippers were the champion’s hot spot? There is another paradox, that is, after this season, does Harden still expect the Clippers to give him a long-term high-paying contract? The Clippers All pretended to be deaf and dumb in the face of the renewal of the Kacho group this summer. They were watching with the mentality of staying for a year. Why did they firmly believe that they would give Harden a long-term contract? If Kacho’s injury recurs, the Clippers may press the restart button in advance. Then where will harden go to ask for the high-paying long-term contract? Therefore, there are too many uncertain factors for the Clippers. Even if Harden wants to transfer, choosing the Clippers as his favorite home is somewhat hanging. It is better to choose 76 Clippers, at least enbide is MVP, and the attendance rate is higher than that of the Kacho group. There is also a group of good supporting role groups for 76 people, and a new coach nasus has been changed this summer. Harden must at least first see how Nas is with 76 people, and it is not too late to leave. In the summer of Ming Dynasty, Harden will regain his freedom. If he still intends to go to the Clippers, then he can go freely. This season is hopeless. To sum up, 76 people are a team closer to the Championship than the Clippers. If Harden allows enbide and others to stay again and again and have to go to the Clippers, it may be a bigger tragedy waiting for him. (Mao Mao dad/supine support)

0 1 min 2 yrs


据詹姆斯家庭发言人在周二的一份声明中向The Athletic证实,美国南加州大学新生布朗尼-詹姆斯在周一的训练中遭遇心脏骤停。这位18岁的年轻球员是湖人巨星勒布朗-詹姆斯的儿子,他在训练中突然倒地,被紧急送往医院。截至周二早上,他的情况稳定,已不再在重症监护室接受治疗。 今年一月,水牛比尔橄榄球队的安全卫达马尔-哈姆林在对阵辛辛那提猛虎队的比赛中突然倒地。哈姆林经历了心梗,即在心电周期的一个非常特定的时期发生胸部钝性创伤,导致心脏骤停。 去年 7 月,南加州大学的文斯-伊乌楚克乌在一次非正式训练中心脏骤停,住院数日。2020 年 12 月,前佛罗里达篮球队前锋基昂泰-约翰逊在对阵佛罗里达州立大学的比赛中,开球几分钟后突然晕倒。他缺席了近两个完整的赛季,后来被诊断出患有 “运动员心脏”——由于系统性训练导致心脏体积变大。约翰逊上赛季转学到堪萨斯州立大学后重返球场,并于今年 6 月在 2023 年 NBA 选秀大会第二轮被雷霆队选中。 目前尚不清楚布朗尼心脏骤停的原因。 以下是我们对这种疾病的了解、它在年轻人中的发病率以及后期的典型医疗反应: 什么是心脏骤停? 根据美国国家心肺血液研究所的说法,心脏骤停是指心脏突然停止泵血。发生这种情况时,血液无法流向大脑或其他重要器官。 心脏骤停时,心脏会失去节律,突然停止跳动。患者不再有脉搏,呼吸停止并失去知觉。 与心脏病发作不同,心脏骤停是由电紊乱引起的,电紊乱会破坏心脏泵血到全身的方式,最终导致血流停止,心脏并没有堵塞。 这种情况在年轻运动员中常见吗? 梅奥诊所网站称,虽然心脏骤停是年轻运动员的主要死因,但这种情况仍然很少发生。该网站称,一些报告表明,每年约有五万分之一到八万分之一的年轻运动员死于心源性猝死,并指出估计值有所不同。梅奥诊所称,在普通人群中,心脏骤停的发生率约为千分之一。 根据复苏结果联合会调查人员的统计,从 2012 年 6 月 1 日到 2013 年 5 月 31 日,成年人在医院外发生心脏骤停的病例数为 32.02 万例。在 12 至 19 岁的青少年中,每年的病例数为 6300 例。 为什么快速响应如此重要? 反应是否及时关系到患者的生死。当心脏停止向身体其他部位输送血液时,大脑就无法接收氧气。在四到六分钟内可能会造成严重的脑损伤,因此每一秒都很重要。据美国心脏协会统计,美国每年超过 356000 例心脏骤停病例中,近 90% 是致命的。 在这些情况下何时使用 CPR 和 AED? 当心脏停止跳动时,需要进行 CPR(心肺复苏)和 AED(自动体外除颤器)。当一个人发生心脏骤停时,如果迅速采取措施,这两种方法的结合可以挽救生命。 心脏骤停后要接受哪些检查? 患者将接受对所有器官的广泛测试,但心脏和大脑通常是最重要和最紧急的。这将包括胸部 X 光检查、超声心动图和脑部扫描,以检查流向大脑的血流量。 NCAA 关于心脏骤停的协议是什么? 根据 NCAA 规则手册,每当学生运动员参加任何体育相关活动时,必须有一名持有急救、心肺复苏和 AED 使用认证的机构工作人员在场。 加州的 AED 法律是什么? 2018 年《加州教育法》修正案要求所有设有校际体育项目的公立学校和特许学校至少配备一台 AED。还有一项建议是,体育赛事中的训练员和教练应接受充分的培训,以处理心脏骤停的紧急情况。 作者:The Athletic 编译:Fontaine 祈祷🙏布朗尼心脏骤停被紧急送医


Parker: I like the 14-year championship best, not the year when I won the FMVP. That was the most perfect curtain call.

0 1 min 2 yrs

Live broadcast, August 13-in 2023, Nai Smith Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, Tony Parker was officially selected! In an interview with the media earlier, he said that his favorite champion was the championship in 2014, not the year when he won the FMVP in 2007. He said: “There are many reasons, because we lost the finals in 2013, it was a difficult failure, and that year was a huge challenge for us. We returned to the finals to show our character and toughness, so that year was very important to us.” “And that year, we also played our own elegant demeanour and played our wonderful basketball. For me personally, it was the best time I had in Spurs, it was also our best performance in the finals, and it was the most perfect curtain call for us.” Parker said.

0 1 min 2 yrs

Talk about Harden’s next home: young teams don’t want it & competitive fear of adventure only one candidate left

Live broadcast on August 16, Bill Simmons, the famous mouth, talked about the trading prospects of 76-player star Harden. “Interesting fact, Harden has no trading market! The bull didn’t want to exchange drozan for him. The Clippers were not willing to give up anything for him. The young team didn’t want him and the competitive team didn’t want to take risks. Then, there is only one candidate left,… a team in trouble and having stupid adventures.” Bill Simmons wrote. In the photo posted, Bill Simmons suggested that this team was a genius ~

0 1 min 2 yrs

Brown talks about Welcome to NBA moment: find Griffin next to him defending kenba Walker abused

Live broadcast on July 25, Bruce Brown talked about his welcome to NBA in his participation in Pinson’s program. Brown said: “I would say there were two. The first one was in Las Vegas. When I was with the team (piston) for the first time, and Griffin was sitting next to me, at that time, I was thinking,” Damn it, this is Blake Griffin ‘. Another one I would say is defending kenba Walker. He abused me. Kenba tortured me all year. At that time, he was in the wasp, and I hated playing against the Wasp.”

0 2 min 2 yrs

Original signature shoes! Reeves: AR1 “ice cream” gift box on August 12, 2000 pairs will be sold in limited quantity.

Live broadcast on July 25 news Lakers guard Austin Reeves announced on his personal microblog that his first signature shoes (RIGORER AR1 ice cream gift box) will be sold in full channel on August 12, Beijing time for a limited amount of 2000 pairs. Reeves Weibo Original text: Breaking cocoons is never accidental, but hard enough to make everything “inside. Put it into action for us to witness together, and the Magic will be staged again. My personal first signature shoes, AR1 ice cream gift box, limited sale of 2000 pairs on August 12, it’s time!!# Reeves ice cream gift box## Reeves Generation# Reeves wrote on Instagram: “From growing up in Newark, Arkansas, to losing the NBA draft, and now standing on the biggest stage of basketball, I am very grateful for my journey. Now, I am super excited to share the next important milestone in my career-RIGORER ar1’ice cream ‘(gift box)-this is the first signature basketball shoe I have cooperated with RIGORER, exclusively launched in KICKS CREW (referring to the exclusive in the United States). RIGORER AR1 ‘Ice Cream (gift box) ‘will be available on @ kickscrew.com and RIGORER official websites at 0:00 EST on August 11.” According to the pictures posted by Reeves Weibo, his first signature shoe (AR1 “ice cream” gift box) will be on sale at 10 am on August 12, Beijing time.

0 1 min 2 yrs

Jay Brown made 66 mistakes in the playoffs this year, 25 of which came from left-hand breakthroughs.

Live broadcast, August 4th news recently, The Athletic reporter Jared Weiss wrote an article to analyze Jay Brown’s playoff data this year. According to statistics, in this year’s playoffs, Jay Brown made 66 mistakes in total; Among them, 25 mistakes occurred when he broke through his left hand. In the playoffs this year, Brown played 20 games for the Celtics, with an average of 22.7 points, 5.6 rebounds and 3.4 assists.

0 1 min 2 yrs

It’s getting taller again! Wolf: I heard that Jayden McDaniels is 2 meters tall now.

Live broadcast bar, August 7, according to Jon Krawczynski, a reporter with Timberwolves TA, Jayden McDaniels was 6 feet 11 inches (2.11 meters) in his last training, and his previous height was 2.06 meters. In the 2022-23 season, Mike Daniels played 79 games for the Timberwolves, winning 12.1 points, 3.9 rebounds, 1.9 assists, 0.9 steals, 1 cap.

0 2 min 2 yrs

Grant Hill: I have seen many highlights of Jay Green. His talent impressed me deeply.

Live broadcast, August 10-Grant Hill, general manager of US men’s basketball, talked about rocket player Jay Green in an interview this week. The latter recently joined the selection team and trained with the US team. “Jay Green plays very well. He is one of the few players I have never met face to face, but I have seen his highlights and videos, and I have also seen his highlights in high school, he is very energetic, has explosive physical quality, and is very confident.” Grant Hill said. “For the selection team, we require them to play in a specific way. Therefore, Jay Green may not have the chance to play as usual, but he is indeed a talented young man. I am very glad to see him here. He got the chance to join the reserve team. I hope he can become a member of the right team in the future.” Grant-Hill continued. “As a skilled and gifted player, Jay Green may not get so much attention, but he still played some wonderful moments. What you can see is his talent and talent, which is impressive.”

0 1 min 2 yrs

Italy announced the list of 12 people in the World Cup men’s basketball: fontakio & Meli

Live Bar, August 14-Italy announced the list of the 12th National People’s Congress of the World Cup on men’s basketball, including fontakio and Niccolo Meli. The following is a specific list of 12 people: Luigi-dayomei, Marco-spisou, Stefano-torut, Niccolo-Mellie, Simone-fontakio, Zhan Paolo-RICI, Mateo-spagnoro, acherie-polonara, Mohamet-Diouf, Luca-Severi, Gabriel-Procida, Alessandro-Parola. The 2023 men’s basketball World Cup will be kicked off on 25th day of this month. In this World Cup, Italy men’s basketball was divided into Group A together with Angola, Dominica and the Philippines. Special topics for reporting the men’s basketball World Cup in 2023

0 1 min 2 yrs

Mai Suifeng: China is almost the same as anyone in men’s basketball. The World Cup group match may not win even one match.

Live broadcast bar on August 13, Beijing German Basketball Super Cup, China’s men’s basketball after three festivals 41-81 behind Germany men’s basketball 40 points. Wheat fengfa, a media player, wrote: “I feel that it is almost the same with everyone. The discussion is hot, and the final group match may not be won.” In the 2023 men’s basketball World Cup, China men’s basketball was in the same group as Serbia, South Sudan and Puerto Rico.

0 1 min 2 yrs

Enbide: Everyone loves Goat Macy more, but today we have to win first.

Live broadcast bar, August 16 -uefa Cup semi-final Miami international challenges Philadelphia United away. In the first half, Miami International led 3-0, and Macy kicked off a long shot. Before the start of this semi-final, the fanatical football fan enbide also tweeted: “Everyone wants to have more love for the GOAT who came to our city tonight, but tonight we will win.”
